Confab London 2013 – Opening Keynote – Kristina Halvorson
Kristina Halvorson kicked off Confab London 2013 with a list… Did you know it was Dick Clark that invented the top ten list? No, me neither. Here are my notes from her talk. If you want notes with a little more substance then check out these mighty notes from Martin Belam.
Kristina Halvorson
Author, Content Strategy for the Web. Founder, Brain Traffic and Confab Events.
Dick Clark Top 10 lists
Confab London Top Ten List
- Everybody is here for the first time.
- Everybody is a little nervous.
- Everybody is invited to the party.
- Everybody has problems. Like the wild Wild West. No roads. Who shouts loudest. No ringmaster. Different challenges.
- Everybody Hurts – Devices Racing reactive 80% of Apple revenue from products launched in 5 years. Prioritisation – from our huge Chinese menu.
Running a marathon how can we identify the pieces that we can take back to our organisation. - Everybody is finding their way. We are all making it up as we go along.”fake it till you make it”
- Everybody has something to contribute.
- Everybody is wearing clothes.
- Everyone here is going to change the way our companies treat content. Everything is a remix. Not just what.. But why, by whom, with what, where, when, how often, for whom, what next
- Everybody wants to be awesome. (Erm, I am not sure that I do, I’m British. But I get the concept.)
You could also read my notes from attending Kristina’s workshop at Confab London: Content Strategy 101: Start here